Manage albums on AlbumPrüfr | StompSoftware Manage albums on AlbumPrüfr | StompSoftware

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Manage albums on AlbumPrüfr

AlbumPrufr allows you to proof up to 20 albums at a time.  Log into Prü and go to”My Albums” to delete albums you no longer need to proof. From here you can also change your album name, edit your client details and update their password, it’s all at your fingertips 🙂


If you didn’t upload your album through AlbumStomp then you can open the AlbumPrüfr app, select your album from the drop down menu and hit the trash can icon. If you need to edit the album name, client details or change the password click on the pencil icon.


Happy Stomping!!

Thanks very much to Katie Lamb for her amazing photos!

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