Email Templates in the AlbumPrüfr App | StompSoftware Email Templates in the AlbumPrüfr App | StompSoftware

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Email Templates in the AlbumPrüfr App

Do you hate retyping the same email to each of your clients, only to change their names and log in details each time? With email templates in the AlbumPrüfr App you can create a template and reuse it every time! We’ve set up a couple already, but feel free to change and adapt them to your personal taste.

You can alter your templates easily in the “Manage Email Templates…” section. To locate this module, go to “New Album” and click on the “New Album Email Template” drop down menu, OR from the main window click the mail icon from the top-center and the email window will open. Click on the “Album Updated Email Template” drop down menu and go to “Manage Email Templates…”.



Here you can change whatever you’d like. You can alter the template name, subject, and the content of the email itself. To create a new template click the plus button. To delete the selected template click the cross button. We even made a template you might occasionally *wish* you could send to your clients, but it’s probably best not to… (We feel your pain, but we’ve locked it so you won’t be able to actually send this one out…)  🙂



Tags in the Email Template are suuuuuper helpful!. You’ll notice that in “New Album” when you start typing in your client’s details it will populate those into the email below, e.g. name, email, and password. To make sure these work, you’ll need to write out those tags as displayed above the update button in Email Templates and it will work sweet. Your option are:
<<FIRST_NAME>> – Your client’s first name
<<CLIENT_EMAIL>> – Their email address
<<CLIENT_PASSWORD>> – A password for them
<<LOGIN_LINK>> – A link to your AlbumPrüfr account on Prü that is designed with your branding in place (check this article out if you need help there!)

Happy Stomping!!

Thanks very much to Melissa Fitzgerald for her amazing photos!

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