So I had my first EVER live video chat with Cyrissa from Sparkle Society at the end of last year (Chip usually does them and he’s THE MAN). It was so nerve-racking! I didn’t know what to do at the start. Wasn’t sure where to look. It’s funny looking back on it.
Anyway because I found it interesting and nerve-racking, Cyrissa from Sparkle Society has put together this awesome post for y’all. This will hopefully help you to rock it.

Unless you’re living in a cave somewhere, there’s no way you’ve missed the influx of live video across social media. Facebook is playing favourites with posts containing live video and… as the savvy business-owner you are, I’m sure you know you need to play along. How does that make you feel, friend? A little nervous? Unsure? Kind of like you want to jump the social media ship all together? I feel you. I really do. Live video isn’t for the faint of heart. It is LIVE after-all. There’s always a chance that you fumble your words; get a little digital stage fright or commit some other involuntary act of embarrassment right before the masses. I’m here to tell you-you don’t need to worry! I have some super helpful tips that will help you feel confident and ready to do your best on live video – even if you’ve never gone live before! Ready?
Plan ahead
Planning is an essential part of the live video process. You don’t have to prepare cue cards, but you should have a topic planned with related bullet points. Keep it on a screen in front of you or somewhere else at eye level to prevent yourself from looking down/away from the camera. This will help keep you on track and avoid awkward pauses in your presentation. Get more tips on planning from this post.
Extended planning
Get yourself into the routine of producing regular live videos with a social media content calendar that includes live video topics that correlate with your blog posts and social posts.
Create a click-worthy title
No one will spend their time watching a live broadcast that looks boring from the get-go. Create a catchy title that will leave your viewers intrigued and cause them to click on. You may brainstorm some ideas ahead of time and share a few with friends to see which would spark the most interest.
Prompt your audience
A great way to boost engagement is through audience activity. When you sign on, introduce yourself and ask your viewers to share the post; thank your audience for tuning in and then get them in the game! Make sure you ask questions during the broadcast and give your audience simple ways to answer {ex. type ‘1’ if this / type ‘2’ if that / drop an emoji to say you’re with me…etc}. The more comments, replies, shares, etc. the more Facebook will see that you have super-engagement. If you have super engagement, they will make sure more folks see your pretty face in their newsfeeds.
Stop worrying about #s
Remember, it takes a little while for viewers to pop-in and engage with your live videos. But…if you record it, they will come! Remember, Facebook gives special treatment to posts with live videos. While your viewers may not catch you live every time, they will catch the replay. So, don’t despair, dear friends. With some consistency, people will start seeing your videos and you will be Facebook famous in no time.
Rock it, then re-purpose it.
Don’t let your live video die! You can keep re-using your live video to extend your reach. Use your video for a better client experience. You can also use your video to create the oh-so-helpful backlinks as well as ad content. Check this post for detailed info on how to let your live video live on!
Now you’re ready to confidently and creatively rock your first live video! Need more help? I’d love to have you join myself and hundreds of other creative entrepreneurs in the Sparkle Society – a free online community that educates, informs and empowers photographers just like you. Plus, I like to spoil all my new Sparkles with a FREE mini-workshop of their choosing! So come join the party and let me help you shine online with social media!